If you are considering filing bankruptcy, you may be feeling overwhelmed by unpaid debts. The most common types of bankruptcy are Chapter 13 and Chapter 7. With a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the amount of debt owed is reduced, leaving the consumer with only a fraction of the debt that he or she had before filing bankruptcy. With a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, much of the consumer's unpaid debt can be fully absolved.
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If you're in the middle of a divorce, then at some point, you and your soon-to-be ex are going to need to separate your assets. Ideally, this will be done amicably, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. One major point of contention in many divorces is that one spouse suspects another spouse of hiding money or assets. It is important to be aware of all assets held by you and your spouse so that they're properly reported and can be divided fairly.
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The dissolution of a marriage is a highly-emotional experience promoting everything from anger to sadness. For the average person dealing with these experiences, avoiding their partner at all cost seems like the route to go. If you're someone in this category, make sure you aren't rushing to move out of the marital home without thinking it through as this action can come with many consequences.
There is a common falsehood that alimony has everything to do with income.
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The Veterans Affairs (VA) disability system is a challenge to many veterans. Like any other major, legally-binding compensation system run by the government, there is a significant burned of proof placed on the claimant that can be difficult to file alone. If your claim has been denied, it's nowhere close to being the end of the issue; even the VA knows that many claims need either enhanced evidence or a closer look.
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If you had a good paying job when your divorce was finalized and you were ordered to pay a good deal of money in child support, then you may not be able to make your payments if you suddenly find yourself unemployed. If you find yourself in this position, then you may want to pay less in support. This is understandable and you may be able to reduce the payments, so keep reading to understand how to go through the support reduction process without making mistakes.
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