When you have been injured and decide to pursue legal action against the negligent party, evidence is crucial to proving that you have a valid legal claim. The evidence is used to meet the burden of proof. The evidence is also how the court decides who to award judgment in favor of and the extent of the damages that are awarded. Essentially, the evidence used in a personal injury case can make or break your case.
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Going through a long and drawn out legal dispute can be exhausting. The good news is you will have the opportunity to settle your case outside of court. It's a requirement for you and your opponent to work towards reaching a settlement agreement at mediation, if possible. This is a time you will meet with the mediator and work to negotiate a settlement amount. Knowing some of the advantages of ending your dispute at mediation is sure to be helpful to you.
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Whether you or your spouse have been unfaithful or you just no longer share a loving relationship, dissolving the marriage may be a smart option. An estimated 1 in 4 marriages end in divorce for some reason or another, so you should not be ashamed if you are considering divorce. Scheduling a consultation with an attorney is a great first step if you are considering ending the marriage, but you should be prepared for this meeting.
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If you decide to file for divorce, you probably hired an attorney to help you with the process and, hopefully, your spouse did the same. Otherwise, it can directly affect you. Here are four reasons why:
The Process Takes Longer: If your spouse has no experience with divorce laws, then the process is going to take longer for the simple reason that they are going to need more time interpreting everything.
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When couples divorce, the list of important issues to address can be long and can present the potential for a lot of confusion. There's the division of property and debt, as well as child custody and visitation if you are the parents of a child under the age of 18. One major facet of divorce might not occur to some couples, however and that is the issue of alimony, also known as spousal support.
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