3 Advantages Of Mediation During A Divorce

The process of getting a divorce is never easy. To make matters worse, the problems that inevitably arise when two spouses part ways is usually complicated by litigation. Lawyers, judges, and the subsequent rulings involved in litigation often breed further resentment and feelings of injustice for both parties. This is just one of the reasons why divorce mediation has become a popular alternative for couples who are looking to go through a divorce. Read More 

Top Things Your Bankruptcy Lawyer Will Need To Know About Your Financial Situation

If you're prepared to file bankruptcy, then you should know that you will need to be totally honest and open about your financial situation with your bankruptcy lawyer. These are a few examples of the different things that your bankruptcy lawyer will need to know about your financial situation. Be prepared to answer these questions and more when talking to your lawyer so that they will be properly prepared to assist you with your bankruptcy case. Read More 

Essential Child Custody Attorney Roles During Divorce

Separating spouses understand the anguish that comes with divorce proceedings. Apart from the stress involved, divorce proceedings may also expose intimate marital details as each side attempts to blame the other. As such, it is easy to see how children are neglected during the divorce process. Separating spouses must schedule court preparation, negotiations, and attendance, leaving no time for children. Children may feel ignored since the divorce processes consume their parent's time, attention, and money. Read More 

Services Provided By Vehicle Accident Lawyers

Car injuries and damage may qualify you for compensation. Conversely, an accident can expose you to liability suits by other parties. Maneuvering through the legal process can be challenging and often confusing. Engaging a vehicle accident lawyer helps you by minimizing the risks and maximizing a positive outcome. Below are the major services and benefits of hiring a vehicle accident lawyer.  Providing Legal Counsel A vehicle accident lawyer understands both the law and the automobile industry. Read More 

Why A Landlord May Be Liable For Injuries Caused By A Tenant’s Dog

In most cases, a tenant is solely responsible for the injuries their dog may cause to other people. However, there are a few cases in which the landlord may also be liable for the same; for example, the landlord may be liable for the injuries if: They Knew That the Animal Was Dangerous Dog bite statutes vary by state. In some jurisdictions, you may be able to hold a landlord liable for an injury caused by a tenant's pet if you can prove that the landlord not only knew about the animal's propensity for an attack but also that the landlord could have removed the animal from the premises but failed to do so. Read More