If you have applied for Social Security disability, you may have calculated how much extra income you will have in your household. Unfortunately, your calculations may not be correct. Payments that you may be receiving from certain other sources may result in your benefit being reduced. The good news is if the income is from private sources, it may not affect your benefit at all. Understanding which payment is what will give you a better chance of correctly calculating how much income you will have coming in.
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A person who is psychologically sound being involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility seems like the plot to a horror novel. Unfortunately, this is something that happens in real life and more often than you would think. If you were put in a mental health facility against your will because of someone's negligence or misuse of the law, here's what you need to know about suing for compensation for damages related to the incident.
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Are you the parent of a teen facing serious charges of wrongdoing? Has your family law attorney told you that there is a possibility your teen will be charged as an adult rather than a juvenile? If so, it is important to understand the current landscape of juvenile law in this area. The current thinking of many states is that there is more financial and rehabilitative success in returning these teens to juvenile court.
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Not all injuries or illnesses are physical, as anyone who has ever suffered from any mental illness can tell you. Historically, people with mental illnesses have often had difficulty obtaining treatment, and mental illnesses like depression are still sometimes treated as less important than physical ailments, or even as less-than-legitimate conditions. So, it's not surprising that you might have concerns about your ability to receive treatment for work-related depression under workers compensation rules.
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Cerebral palsy is a congenital disorder that affects one's muscle tone and motor skills, and affects approximately 0.2 to 0.3% of all children in the U.S. There are 3 different types of cerebral palsy — spastic, athetoid and ataxic. While cerebral palsy may be a congenital disorder that is unavoidable, it can also be a direct result of medical negligence during pregnancy, labor and delivery or the first few years of the child's life that has caused permanent injury to the brain.
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