3 Things You Need To Know About Lien Stripping

If you're at all familiar with the two most common bankruptcy filings, the Chapter 7 and the Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you know that the Chapter 7 filing has the effect of discharging all of your debts beyond the amount that you pay back by turning over your non-exempt funds and assets to a bankruptcy trustee. The Chapter 13, on the other hand, is more like an extended repayment plan. You keep your assets and pay your debts back slowly over the course of a few years. Read More 

Does Obesity Automatically Qualify You For Social Security Disability?

If you are like most people, you may have heard that obesity is a disability that qualifies someone for Social Security Disability Benefits.You may have wondered if this is really true. The answer is not as simple as it may seem. While obesity used to be listed as an impairment with the Social Security Administration, it was removed in 1999, says NOLO. Currently, obesity may be a contributing factor to winning a disability claim, but it is rarely grounds for disability on its own. Read More 

The 3 Most Important Investment Questions For Venture Capitalists

As a budding venture capitalist, asking the right questions can be the difference between getting a great return on investment (ROI) and losing your money quickly. Probing for more information is a vital step in making the ultimate decision to support or decline someone's pitch. If you're new to the scene, it can be difficult to determine just what information you need--and it can be even harder to determine how to access it. Read More 

Determining Fault In Three Common Types Of Car Accidents

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of personal injuries in the United States. While there are many configurations in which a collision between two vehicles can occur, three of the most common are head-on collisions, t-bone or side-impact collisions, and rear-end collisions. In each case, establishing which driver is at fault for the accident is essential, since the person at fault is held liable for the medical costs, lost wages and other damages caused by the accident. Read More 

Mortgage Lenders Saying No? Rent-To-Own May Be An Option

In 2012, according to the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, as many as one-third of all mortgage applicants were denied by mortgage lenders. So, if you've been trying to get approved for a mortgage without success, you are definitely not alone. With the state of the economy, it seems you need excellent credit to be approved these days. Unfortunately, the same state of economy, in addition to the credit crisis and unemployment rate, has made the American Dream of home ownership difficult for many people. Read More