Accidental Moves That Could Plague Your Personal Injury Case

When you are hit by another driver, you may be entitled to a sum of money that covers your losses. Since you may not be experienced in dealing with a car accident, it's only natural that you might make a few wrong moves. You don't have to, though, if you know what to avoid.

You didn't think you needed medical attention after the accident

This happens all the time to victims. They feel okay after an accident but then begin to feel much worse over time. The biggest error happens, though, when they don't seek medical attention even after that point. Even if you think it's too late, see your doctor right away when you notice any pains.

You posted about the accident on social media

It's so natural for people to post about things, particularly traumatic events like a wreck, on social media, and it can be done without even thinking about it. Unfortunately, your thoughts about the accident and your injuries need to be kept private for now, so avoid any mention of the accident.

You didn't want to be rude so you apologized to the other driver

The time right after a wreck can be confusing, and you might even have been suffering from shock. Don't tell the other driver that you are sorry. You may have only been expressing sorrow that the accident happened, but it can be misinterpreted as taking responsibility for it happening at all.

You agreed to a recorded phone call with the other driver's insurance adjuster

This move can be extremely harmful to your case, and it doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to speak to the other side at all about anything. Some victims don't know that and are just trying to be polite. Rather than speak to them, let your personal injury lawyer handle those phone calls about the accident.

You made an error and ended up with a settlement that is not enough

Unfortunately, the other side can be very aggressive when it comes to making offers. They may send you checks in the mail that automatically mean you are accepting a settlement if you cash or deposit them. Many victims err by not understanding how much they should be offered, though, and that means they think they know what they are doing when they accept an inadequate settlement.

You tried to DIY your accident case

This is no time for do-it-yourself projects; a great deal of money could be on the line. You can avoid making all of the above mistakes when you speak to a personal injury lawyer and let them guide you in the right direction.

Speak to a local law firm, such as the Law Office of Robert Karwin, to learn more.
