Collecting Workers Compensation? 4 Things You Should Remember When Going Back To Work

If you've been injured in a work-related injury, and you've been collecting workers compensation, the time will come when the case is resolved. When that happens, you'll either be placed on permanent disability, or you'll be cleared to return to work once you've healed from your injuries. When that happens, you'll need to know how to avoid problems with your return. Here are three steps you should take when it's time to go back to work after a work-related injury.

Don't Return Until Your Doctor Clears You

While you've been receiving worker's compensation benefits, you've also been seeing a doctor for your work-related injuries. Your doctor will determine when it's time for you to return to work. Your employer and the insurance company may try to get you to return to work earlier.

However, it's crucial that you avoid doing that, even if you feel better. Going back to work before your doctor clears you could put you at risk for further injuries. Not only that, but it could undermine your ability to receive additional care should you suffer a relapse for the injuries. To avoid these risks, never return to work until you have the go-ahead from your doctor.

Don't Avoid Work After Being Cleared to

When you do receive the go-ahead to return to work, it's crucial that you do so. Avoiding work after being cleared to return could jeopardize your worker's compensation case.

If you don't feel that you're ready to return to work, be sure to consult with your attorney. There may be things that your attorney can do to postpone your return.

However, they won't be able to do that if you simply refuse to return to work. As soon as you're given the clearance to return to work, contact your worker's compensation attorney.

Do Keep a Copy of the Restrictions with You

If your doctor has given you a list of restrictions that you're required to follow once you return to work, it's important that you keep a copy of them with you at all times. This is particularly important while you're at work.

Your employer may try to get you to do work that you're restricted from doing. If they do, you'll need to show them the copy of your restrictions. If they continue to press you to do work that is on your list of restrictions, you should notify your attorney.

Do Keep in Contact with Your Attorney

Once you return to work, you may think that your case is over. However, that's not necessarily true. Your worker's comp attorney may still be working on some aspects of your case, even after you return to work. Because of this, it's important that you keep in contact with your attorney, especially if you experience issues with your return, such as continued pain, or difficulty completing your work tasks.
