Gender Discrimination: A Brief Guide

When you are finally able to locate a job that you are truly passionate about, you want to ensure that you are performing to the best of your ability day in and day out. You also want to receive recognition for the effort that you put in. Unfortunately, if you are a woman, you may have to deal with the upsetting issue of gender discrimination at work. Apart from the mental damage that it can do, gender discrimination can put a damper in your goals and could result in an unlawful termination. Keep reading to learn more.

Examples of Workplace Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination is considered the unequal treatment of individuals based on their gender or sex, and it is a violation of a person's civil rights. This can include sexual harassment. Gender discrimination can occur during an interview, such as being turned down for the position because of the company usually hiring men. You may also have grounds for a case of gender discrimination if you are laid off due to budget constraints but your male colleagues keep their jobs.

Other examples of gender discrimination in the workplace include being denied benefits, a promotion, or even a raise based on your sex or gender. Sexual misconduct like quid-pro-quo offers, unwanted physical advances, and threats of being punished if you do not provide sexual favors are all also considered gender discrimination.

What Should You Do If You Believe You've Been Discriminated Against

If you think that you have been or are being treated unjustly as a result of your sex or gender, it is important that you begin to document the wrongdoings. After each event or encounter, take detailed notes while it is all fresh on your mind. You should also take the time to speak to your coworkers and see if they have experienced anything similar. If there is a human resources (HR) department within your company, you should report the incident via writing. If you are demoted, fired, or somewhat punished for officially reporting the incident, it can constitute another gender discrimination case.

If you have experienced any of the above, then you have likely been discriminated against as a result of your gender or sex. If you are interested in filing a lawsuit, you should reach out to a professional attorney who has experience with gender discrimination and/or employment rights. He or she will be able to assist you in moving forward with a formal complaint or lawsuit. For more information, contact gender discrimination law services in your area.
